UNGRATEFUL MIGRANTS (Hotels Not Good Enough)

Support me: So we all know that Migrants, who have never lived in this country and have literally just crossed the channel in a dingy, will get treated better by our government than we do as British citizens. They first get a nice taxi ride to the shore… sorry, I mean they get picked up by RNLI, which at this point is literally just a migrant taxi service. Then they get put up in lovely 4 and 5 star hotels, with free food, weekly spending money and free yoga classes. And yet… some migrants still have the audacity to COMPLAIN about what they get! How ridiculous is that? #immigration #immigrationuk #diversity #nigelfarage #ukip #politics #reformuk #EDL #tommyrobinson #ukimmigration #ukimmigrationupdates2022 #ukpolitics #ukeconomy #lizztruss #rishisunak
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