Original Story// Rockstar Games Max Payne Model Ports// 👻Nindzya Nub🍕 Sound// Music - Tunç Çakır - Blue Room Max Payne 1/2/3 Models// Rockstar Games New World Interactive Valve Patrick Hunt Took about a month to make, and was a departure from shooty shooty stuff i suppose as i wanted to move to lighting and composition of more dramatic scenes. It all started as any other project would, messing around with making a small scene, then I wanted to make more shots because the model was pretty dope. Then I needed to find a way to make it into an actual video which was pretty difficult since it never had a backtrack to begin with. Finding the music to match with it was pretty difficult as I first was gonna use a HEALTH song, then I transitioned to a song my friend made on the side, but that was difficult to fit it in. Soon I settled and basically stole the trailer music from Katana Zero. The thumbnail is pretty shitty, might change
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