THE BEST OF THE RECENT TIMES-Table Runner and Bedspread Motif Tutorial

For supporting me and getting written patterns, visit my Etsy shop 🥰 👉🏼 For supporting me and getting written patterns, visit my Etsy shop 🥰 👉🏼 I activated the ’join’ button on my channel. There will not be any special content for ’the join’ but those who want to support me can join my channel. Thank you for your interest 🥰 : TRANSLATIONS OF TERMS ENGLISH Ch = Chain Slst = Slip a stitch Sc = Single Crochet Half Cr = Half Crochet Dc = Double Crochet Treble Cr = Treble Crochet Double Treble Cr = Double Treble Crochet k2-tog = knit 2 stitches together ESPAÑOL Ch = Cadena Slst = Puntada de resbalón / punto deslizado Sc = punto bajo Half cr = medio punto Double cr = punto alto
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