1990-08-19 e3: must feel your vibrations

...And you must feel your vibrations properly and keep good health, which you can easily keep. If, at this age, I can work like this, days in, day out, you can also work. You are all very young, or everybody seems to be younger than Me. I am the oldest person here. So if I could do so much, why can’t you? So one thing you must ask in your prayer in the evening when you are sleeping, “What have I done for Sahaja Yoga?“ One sentence, all of you, just ask this question, “What have I done for Sahaja Yoga?“ Like persons like Me or Shri Krishna or anyone, We don’t even feel We are doing anything. So what can We ask? If I want to ask Myself, I’ll fall into an ocean I think, I didn’t know, I’ll be lost. If I want to analyze Myself, I get lost. If I want to think about Myself, I get lost. Its beyond Me, said let it be done, doesn’t matter. I don’t want to know Myself. But you better know yourself. You can know. You can, not Me. So as far as I am concerned, I only think that as long as I live - I don’t know, I may live forever, I am living forever maybe, you might say that, but whatever it is as long as I’m on this earth I will see that Sahaja Yoga is fully established. This is My promise to you. [Maharathi] He comes on this earth again to establish the religion, but not only religion but Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, which is a much higher religion than the ordinary religion of human beings. Within themselves is the Vishwa Nirmala Dharma we’ll establish in a very short time, I’m sure, on this earth. So may God bless you.
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