New Vrindaban Jerusalema

Some of the vaishnavis in New Vrindaban decided to join the Jerusalem dance challenge, basically taking up the challenge to perform a dance reel to the song Jerusalema, a gospel-influenced house song by South African producer and singer-songwriter. Our intention was to spread a little of the beauty and joy of New Vrindaban. While the song is in the Zulu, it has become popular across the globe-- music is the universal language, after all—and we know from engaging in kirtan, what joy and harmony it brings to everyone participating.  The simple translation of the song is as follows:  Jerusalema ikhaya lami [Jerusalem my home] Ngilondoloze [Keep me] Uhambe nami [Walk with me] Zungangishiyi lana [Don’t leave me here] Ndawo yami ayikho lana [My place is not here] Mbuso wami awukho lana [My kingdom is not here] Our wish on this auspicious day, is for all of us to reflect on that hope, brimming with beauty and purpose. It is ours in our all merciful Krishna—and Lord Nityananda—the epit
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