Oldsmobile Intrigue (1998) Television Commercial - X-Files Movie

Oldsmobile Intrigue (1998) Television Commercial - X-Files Movie Support the Analog Digital Entertainment Network by signing up for our Patreon and subscribing to all of our channels on YouTube! Analg Digital Entertainment Network Patreon - with tiers as low as $3/month! JCAU99 - My personal YouTube channel focusing on video games, reselling and travel. Huntsville Rewind - a comedic take on local commercials and home videos found in my hometown of Huntsville, Alabama. Analog Memories - commercials from the 1980’s, 1990’s and 2000’s focusing on kids entertainment, food, restaurants, hea...lth, beauty, and national/cable network bumpers, idents and promos. Analog Indulgence - commercials from the 1980’s, 1990’s and 2000’s focusing on automobiles, technology, beer, news, local interests and full sports broadcasts including the NBA, NFL, MLB and co
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