金沢散策 : Walking Around Kanazawa City(Ishikawa, Japan)

石川県金沢市の長町武家屋敷跡から兼六園を経てひがし茶屋街周辺を散策いたしました。西養寺の階段付近は好きな場所の1つです。 【Kanazawa】 Kanazawa is located in north-western Ishikawa Prefecture in the Hokuriku region of Japan and is bordered by the Sea of Japan to the west and Toyama Prefecture to the east. The city sits between the Sai and Asano rivers. The eastern portion of the city is dominated by the Japanese Alps. Parts of the city are within the borders of the Hakusan National Park. 00:00 タイトル 00:11 長町武家屋敷跡(Nagamachi Samurai District)
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