Holiday Leathercraft: Leather Pencil Tray

Share the joy of leathercrafting and add creativity to your holiday with our curated DIY leather gift ideas! We’ll cover project ideas from hard cord DIYers to those who don’t own a single tool, there is something for every skill set. They’re going to love what you make for them no matter what it is! Idea #1 Leather Pencil Tray Tools, Material & Pattern: 喜愛用各種文具的你 做個作業、寫個筆記 桌面上總是搞得亂七八糟嗎 我來推薦一個好物給收納困難的朋友們 將將將將~皮革文具盒! 不僅是筆盒也可以是萬用收納盒 整齊、小巧、有質感、好收納 小筆盒大容量! 絕對是手作禮物的不二人選哦~
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