koníček dlouhonosý - Hippocampus reidi - Slender seahorse

koníček dlouhonosý - Hippocampus reidi Ginsburg, 1933 - Slender seahorse or Longsnout seahorse - - Морской конек рейди - Das Langschnauzen Seepferdchen - Caballito de mar or Caballito hocico largo is a species of fish in the family Syngnathidae in MOIA aquarium. Seahorses are fascinating because of their unique appearance and way of moving. It is important to arrange the aquarium so the Seahorses has something to latch onto with its tail. This could be Sea Whips, Kelps, Macro algae’s or similar. Not recommended with corals or anemones as these might burn the Seahorses. MOIA tank included corals and anemones and there has never been a problem. The water current must not be too powerful, as they are not strong swimmers. These horses are bred in captivity and eat frozen Mysis and frozen Artemia from the beginning and are therefore much easier to keep.
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