YYV7C5 Yada Yahowah Shanah…Years Dowd | Beloved The Messiah…

A Shabat Study of Yahowah’s Torah. Join a group of Yah’s family as we delve into the Towrah of God. We will expose religious corruption while more importantly espousing Yah’s Torah truth. Hosted by the author of Yada Yahowah, An Introduction to God, Observations, Coming Home, Questioning Paul, Prophet of Doom, and Tea with Terrorists. 0:00:09 The Messiah… 0:42:07 Apart from ‘Aharown and the priests after him, one man serves as the living embodiment of what it means to be mashach | anointed – Dowd, the king who united and protected Yisra’el and then became our Savior. 1:16:25 Twice in the revelation Dowd provided in Daniel, there was a reference to a nagyd | son of a sovereign. 1:27:34 Since the specter of Dowd’s service as the Anointed Messiah was raised in the Dany’el 9 prophecy, and since it has
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