Lebanon ’might not recover’ from ’devastating’ effects of second front if Hezbollah were to join war

Lebanese militant group Hezbollah should not make the “wrong decision“ of opening a second front against Israel as it battles attacks by Hamas, a senior US defense official warned Monday. Israel and Hezbollah have already traded fire this week, but have stopped short of the devastating full-scale war they fought in 2006 -- a repeat of which would force Israel’s military to fight on two fronts, stretching its forces thin. As Israel and Hezbollah trade fire on the Jewish State’s northern border with Lebanon, raising the threat of a second front in the Israel-Hamas war, FRANCE 24’s Tom Burges Watson is joined by Karim Emile Bitar, Professor of International Relations at Saint Joseph University of Beirut and École normale supérieure de Lyon, Directeur of Research / Senior Fellow at The French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS), Editor of ENA Magazine, and Co-founder and Member of the Board of Directors of Kulluna Irada. 🔔 Subscribe to France 24
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