Huge symphonic & choir flashmob - Budapest, Hungary - Bánk Bán’s Aria, My homeland, my homeland

HUGE SYMPHONIC FLASH MOB – Madách square, Erzsébetváros - Budapest / Hungary by FIDESZ Party VII. district More than hundred people were playing music and singing at the gate of Erzsébetváros, part of Budapest. The VII. district of FIDESZ - Hungarian Civic Party made „flash mob” into an event at the reconstructed, beautiful Madách Square with the assistance of great city performers. With people and tourists from the street, five hundred souls were listening, singing, performing parts of the famous hungarian opera Bánk Bán by Ferenc Erkel; Bánk’s Aria: Like an exiled, wandering... My homeland, my homeland. Choir transcript by András Tóth. innovator, co-producer: István Bajkai directed-produced: László Szűcs director of photography: dádám post production (movie live voice): 4 cut ( ) post supervisor: Szabolcs Győrffy editors: Balázs Gotthárdi; Dóri Sibinge
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