Neighbour Contacted Me and Asked If I Could Help This Elderly Couple

A lady contacted me on my Facebook Page and was concern about her neighbour. She sent me a picture of this elderly couple’s yard and it was tall and getting out of hand. As I arrive at the property I was greeted by the concerned neighbour and told me that the old guy is unwell. They haven’t been able to keep up with the yard maintenance. I went and spoke to the couple and told them I will take care of the initial cut and they’ll have to get someone to maintain it as this is out of my area. As I was talking to the elderly gentleman he collapse and fell to the ground. I was so worried and started to help him up. I asked if he’s okay and he said yes but then started collapsing again. The concern neighbour heard the commotion and rush towards us to know what’s going on. She called the wife and informed her that her husband fainted. I can see she was worried sick and said she’ll take care of him. She took him inside and had him rest while I take care of the yard. She said he hasn’t been eating at all and p
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