Jacinda Ardern’s CCP Playbook | Kate Wand

Perhaps we have advanced as a society since those pandemic plans of 2019? If so, it’s towards a more authoritarian, controlling future. As part of its 100th anniversary celebrations this year, the Chinese Communist Party might count the successful export of disease management. “Suppression Plans Straight From CCP Play Book” Essay by Adam Creighton, Adam Creighton is an award-winning journalist with a special interest in tax and financial policy. Featuring footage from @NewCivilLibertiesAlliance conference; ’Papers, Please! Why Voluntary Vaccine Passport Programs are Coercive Creators: K. Wand & W.G. Gervais Narration / Producer: K. Wand Audiovisual / Editing / Producer: W.G. Gervais ​ Visit our website: ​ Facebook: ​ Twitter: ​ Instagram: ​ MeWe: ​. Telegram:
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