🐰🐣 TRADIZIONI di PASQUA in GRAN BRETAGNA - Easter Traditions in Great Britain 🌸 A SCUOLA di INGLESE

Today we are talking about Easter in the U. K. Easter Day is always on Sunday and it is in Spring. There are many traditions in this day 🐰🥚 EASTER RABBIT and EASTER EGG HUNT The Easter Rabbit (or Easter Bunny) is a Happy Rabbit with a basket full of chocolate eggs. He hides these eggs in the garden or in the village and childern have to find them. On Easter Sunday morning, if the weather is good, children look for the eggs: this is the Easter Egg Hunt Children have a basket to collect their eggs during the Easter Egg Hunt. 🎨👩‍🎨🥚 EGG PAINTING English children like painting and decorating eggs for Easter, even if they prefer eating chocolate eggs! Eggs are the main symbol of Easter, beacuse they represent new life and rebirth. 🌳🥚 EASTER EGG TREE At Easter children and their parents put branches in a vase and hang eggs. This is a very nice decoration! 🎩🌸 EASTER BONNET At Easter people use to wear special hats which are called bonnets. The bonnets are always new, beacuse represent a new life and a spiritual renewal. In some british primary schools they organize an Easter bonnet parade, where the best bonnet wins a prize. 🥯 GOOD FRIDAY and HOT CROSS BUNS Good Friday is the friday before Easter Sunday. On this day, people eat hot cross buns: they are spiced sweet buns usually made with fruits and marked with a cross on the top. 💃🕺 MAYPOLE DANCING Maypole dancing is another Easter tradition in Britain - and in other european countries too. Dancers hold on to colourful ribbons which are attached to the top of a large pole and dance in patterns, often to live music played by the village band. is Easter in the U. K. Happy Easter! 🐰💐 🎂🍰 Seguici anche su Facebook! e su Instagram: i_pasticciotti_it
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