Shaolin Thirteen Spear - Shi Yanchong

SHAOLIN CULTURAL CENTRE OF CANADA (SCCC) Since having been appointed by the Abbot Shi Yong Xin, the Chief Master of Song Mountain Shaolin Temple in China, the Venerable Yan Chong, Chief Coach of Shaolin Kung Fu, established the SCCC in 2007. It remains the only authentic Shaolin cultural centre in Toronto, Canada. OUR OBJECTIVES: The SCCC is a non-profit organization. Its main goals include gaining a better health and promoting martial arts ethics. It seeks to develop obedience and discipline; practise the Mahayana Buddhism doctrines, and propagate the spirit of compassion. The centre advocates the Shaolin’s 1500 years of profound culture and Chan (Zen) Buddhism including the purification of the mind. It strives to improve the understanding amongst nations and peoples, to enhance the East and West cultural exchange and praying for a Peaceful world. 647-889-8688
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