Sana found the Word you NEVER say to Calli

During the marathon streams of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl remakes, where Mori Calliope of Hololive Myth and Tsukumo Sana of Hololive Council each hunted for a Shiny Giratina and Shiny Rayquaza respectfully, someone from Chat sent a message to Sana that revealed a certain word that infuriates Calli everytime she hears it. Even when the Reaper reveals the secret reason why that word triggers her, will the Speaker of Space leave it alone? Or will she take the advantage to tease her Senpai? Thumbnail art by the great Pandoo! Dead Beat animation made by Jawli! Original stream:【POKEMON: BRILLIANT DIAMOND】SHINY GIRATINA GET IN THE BALL!!! Talent: Mori Calliope 【Pokémon Shining Pearl】For Xmas I
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