VIOL4TIONS and SUICID4S of WOMEN after the fall of N4ZI Germany | WWII

On May 2, 1945, the Soviet Union finally invaded Berlin, definitively defeating Germany. Once they succeeded in the fall of Berlin, the soldiers of the Soviet army received special permission from their leader Josef Stalin. As a privilege for having won, they were authorized to send a package of up to 5 kilos to their home, without restrictions, so the soldiers sent literally anything, the terrible thing was that everything was the product of systematic and uncontrolled looting. But the truth is that the permission received went beyond the objects obtained from the theft of the defeated of the war, and it was a tragedy that the Soviet Union has never taken care of. Do you want to know more about life in N4zi Germany? I leave you here! 👇 📌The BRUTAL T0RTUR3 of Homosexuals during N4ZI Germany 📌This is how women were punished when they had sex with the N4zis ------
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