미국을 뒤흔든 매카시즘의 뒷배는 ’케네디’? | 매카시, 매카시즘, 케네디

#매카시 #매카시즘 #케네디 미국을 뒤흔든 매카시즘의 뒷배는 ’케네디’? 흥미진진한 미국 정치사의 뒷이야기| 매카시, 매카시즘, 케네디 즐거움과 유익함이 가득가득, 김지윤의 지식Play! kimjyTV@ 📑 참고문헌 📑 Tye, L. (2020, July 10). How Joe McCarthy (yes, that McCarthy) helped launch the Kennedy dynasty. . Roberts, S. (2005, April 4). The dentist McCarthy saw as a threat to security. The New York Times. Mixson J. M. (1997). Dr. Peress and the downfall of Senator Joseph McCarthy. Journal of the history of dentistry, 45(2), 63–69. Baker, R. (2018, June 5). Why Robert Kennedy transformed from a conservative into a liberal champion of civil rights. Smithsonian Magazine. Cava, M. D. (2023, July 26). Fact-checking “Oppenheimer”: Was Albert Einstein really a friend? What’s true, what isn’t. USA TODAY. Air, F. (2016, July 5). From “Runt Of The Litter” To “Liberal Icon,” The Story Of Robert Kennedy. NPR.
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