Mass resignation of Labour Cllrs blame Starmer as elections loom.

20 Labour Councillors in Lancashire have resigned en masse, blaming Starmer’s authoritarianism as local elections near. Right, so whilst polls are still saying the Tories are facing an extinction level event, and Labour are on course for a massive majority, the reason for people to back Starmer in which case grows less and less, but equally having people to vote for representing Labour is becoming less and less too as more people, many Labour all their lives, elected officials, Labour councillors find themselves unable to stomach representing what Labour has become under Starmer, no longer for the many, but for the donors, no longer for peace but instead for Israel, no longer for fixing the country, just Tories in sheep’s clothing who will run the country in their own interests and continue the rot Sunak’s brand of Tories leave behind. People leaving the Labour Party and standing as independents or standing for the Green Party have become commonplace news stories, along with the stories of how they
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