I once again have the world record!! Sadly in noclip accuracy... still counts towards world records for the ILL but still would rather have done it in normal mode obviously. Still pretty impressive I think though. I got 14% in accuracy shortly before this too, and got 12% (second jump) in normal mode afterwards. So I do have the record in noclip and in normal mode :) The rest of this run was okay; the death counter says 14 but my death at 51% counted for 4.. so it was more like an 11 death. I will pass the predrop on the unnerfed, sooner or later. Verifying? Highly unlikely, but I do want to finish 24-100 to get it in two runs hopefully. As always with the unnerfed I am playing on the Compendium version. If you’re curious about the differences between all the versions uhhhh too much to cover but the unnerfed is so so much harder than the rated version, acheron, or any other level currently beaten. Also I got 65 on the rated version for the third time earlier today, I feel the completion should be imminent!
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