DIY Whopper Plopper Made From a Stick Gets Blown Up By Hungry Bass (Build and Catch)

When I go top water bass fishing I usually have a Whopper Plopper tied on. I thought it would be fun to try and make a DIY Whopper Plopper and see if I could get some bass blowups on it. To make it more challenging I decided to make the Whopper Plopper from a stick I found in the yard. I encountered a lot of challenges but in the end it all worked out and my new Whopper Plopper got blown up by bass! Thanks for watching! Components Used: Carving Knife: Dovetail Saw: Super Glue: Epoxy : Fishing Lure Eyes: Treble Hooks: Split Rings: Acrylic Paint: Paint Brushes: Bait casting Rod and Reel:
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