Aine Minogue, King of the Faeries

Aine Minogue, Irish harp Seamus Egan, Whistles Johnny Cunningham, Fiddles Recorded and mixed by Gerry Putnam at Cedar House Sound I love this piece and always thought it magical. It never aged and it never gets old. Hope you get to enjoy it half as much as I enjoy playing it. Its also the first tune I ever recorded. I later chose it as the opening track and re-recorded it for the album “The Twilight Realm,“ an album that explored the mysticism of fairies - yes, the mysticism of fairies. In the middle ages, fairy tales were formed the bulk of all stories, but they seem to have petered out over time. The faeries to whom the Irish refer were by no means the beautiful, butterfly-winged and benign Disney-sanitized sprites of our youth. They possess a far more capricious nature and the capacity for both great benevolence and great mischief, much like the Trickster in Native American culture. [Those who have read J. M. Barrie’s Peter Pan might recall that Tinker Bell at one point
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