Why Scientists Think The Sun Will Cause Mass Heart Attacks Soon | Unveiled

Is the sun slowly killing our hearts?? Join us... and find out more! Subscribe for more from Unveiled ► In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at a spectacular study that links the sun to increased heart attacks! What’s happening to make it more likely for people to suffer cardiac arrest? And how bad could this situation get in the future? This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions! Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here: Did Scientists Just Discover a Way to Control All Human Beings? - What Happens the Exact Moment We Die? - 0:00 Intro 0:46 Heart Vs Sun 2:43 Solar Cycle Problems 4:48 Further Research 6:19 What Happens Next? 8:15 New Mystery 9:45 Conclusions #Sun #SolarStorm #HeartAttack #SolarFlare #CME #GeoMagneticStorm #Health #Space
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