Dai Wedding Banquet 傣族喜宴 | 沉浸式吃席,花錢也吃不到的300人盛大傣族村宴,吃哭了。【日食記Sean’s Kitchen】

#日食记傣族喜宴#日食記cat’skitchen#cat’skitchen#傣族喜宴美食 欢迎订阅【日食记cat’s kitchen】官方频道👉: 开启小铃铛🔔及时观看专属你的精彩内容哦~ Please subscribe to【cat’s kitchen】 Channel on YouTube 👉: Open the little bell🔔 to watch the exclusive content at the first time 💖Thanks For Watching, Like~💖 —————————————————————————————— 傣族喜宴 | 沉浸式吃席,花錢也吃不到的300人盛大傣族村宴,吃哭了。【日食記Sean’s Kitchen】 Dai Wedding Banquet | Immersive Dining, 300 people can’t afford to eat at the Dai Village Banquet, too delicious! 【西双版纳300人大型村宴吃席记录】 这期让我用四个字说就是:一定要看,你会哇出声来。 这大概是2013年创建日食记以来我拍得最用心的一期视频,而且差一点就拍不成了。 我亲眼去见证了傣族最热闹的泼水节,被洒水车攻击,被社牛大哥拉去吃几百人的新年村宴,被喝多的村民拉着手聊心事,还报废了一个小镜头。 但真的吃美了,云南太棒了,太真诚了,都来羡慕我吧。 In this issue, I will use four words to say: “Be sure to watch, you will think it is delicious. This is probably the most thoughtful video I’ve ever filmed since creating Eclipse in 2013, and it’s almost impossible to make it. I witnessed the busiest Water Splashing Festival of the Dai ethnic group with my own eyes. I was attacked by a sprinkler, dragged by the elder brother of Sheniu to eat a New Year’s village banquet with hundreds of people, held hands by villagers who drank too much to chat about their thoughts, and even scrapped a small camera. But it’s really delicious. Yunnan is great and sincere, come envy me. ----------------------------------- 一间工作室,十几个人,一只不再流浪的喵。 平时,我是导片子的。在这里,我也会给小伙伴们做做饭,并拍成小­短片,给你们看看。 你的心和胃,由我们来温暖治愈:) —————————————————————————————— 精彩内容推荐↓↓↓ 👉甜一下Sweety 🍰🍨🍦 | 吃点甜的治愈一下吧: ▶hot pot and warm up 火锅美食任你选: ▶传统节日都吃啥 Food in Chinese traditional festival : ▶【深夜一碗面】Midnight Noodles | 暖胃暖心 简简单单: ------------------------------------------------------------ 【 instagram:catskitchen_official 】 【 新浪微博: 】 【 微信平台:rishi-ji 】 【 Himalaya: 】 【 工作联络:sean@ 】 【 BGM见片尾标注噢 】
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