3 WW1 Battles in Lego Stop-motion

The Battle of the Somme 0:04 On July 1, 1916, the first day of the Battle of the Somme began. The British sent thousands of soldiers over the tops of the trenches to take the German positions on the opposite side. The Germans, however, knew the attack was coming and were very well prepared. The advancing British were quickly cut down by rifles, machine guns, and artillery. Although some of the British were able to break through the German lines, the majority were unsuccessful. Altogether, the British suffered 57,000 casualties making it the bloodiest day in their history to this day. The Battle of the Somme would go on for another four months and claim the lives of thousands more. The Battle of Cambrai 4:29 The Battle of Cambrai was significant in ww1, as it was the first battle in which tanks were used on a large scale. At dawn on November 20, 1917, over 400 British Mark IV tanks with the support of infantry and artillery began approaching the German tanks
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