А.П. Бородин, «Ноктюрн» из «Струнного квартета» №2 – исполняет «Dover Quartet» (две скрипки, альт, виолончель)

Канал - Brooklyn Classical: «Borodin - String Quartet No. 2: Nocturne (Dover Quartet), 2018 г. String Quartet No. 2: III. Notturno by Alexander Borodin, performed live by Dover Quartet for Brooklyn Classical. ❤️Please like, subscribe, and hit that bell ❤️ Thank you so much to the incredible Dover Quartet for joining us again! Watch more of their videos on their YouTube channel: Follow the Dover Quartet on: Facebook: LISTEN TO Brooklyn Classical: Spotify: Bandcamp: iTunes/Apple Music: Follow Brooklyn Classical on Facebook: The Dover Quartet: Joel Link, Violin Bryan Lee, Violin Milena Pajaro-van de Stadt, Viola Camden Shaw, Cello Check out our CELLO and PIANO covers on our other channel, BROOKLYN DUO: htt
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