Don’t Kill Bill | The Chair | Episode 4 | Netflix 2021 | Eng/Rus/Ukr Subs

Ji-Yoon tells Bill that he is suspended, not allowed on campus, and must write a formal apology. Bill babysits Ju Ju, who’s been suspended from school, and they bond while helping each other write apology letters. Ju Ju says she prefers her nickname over her full name of Ju-Hee, even though she was named after Ji-Yoon’s mother. Two students meet with Ji-Yoon, concerned that Yaz may not be given tenure and noting that another non-white professor was denied tenure. Ji-Yoon advocates for Yaz to Elliot, which Elliot pushes back on. Yaz leads animated discussions about Melville and Moby-Dick, with Elliot looking on sadly as an outsider. That evening, Elliot shares his sadness with his wife, uncomfortable with the world he now lives in and his aging body. The dean tells Ji-Yoon that Duchovny will teach Bill’s class for the rest of the semester. When Ji-Yoon pushes back, the dean reminds Ji-Yoon she should act more like the chair of the department, not like Bill’s peer. Yaz criticizes Ji-Yoon’s leadership, saying she should not allow Duchovny to teach and should not express more sympathy for Elliot, who has had tenure for decades, than for her. Joan meets with the IT guy to figure out who is posting negative reviews of her online. Joan confronts the negative reviewer outside the library.
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