Gershwin Concerto - Rhapsody in Blue by George Li (16 yr)

George performed this with the combined orchestras of the Musica Vitae and Stockholm Wind under the baton of Maestro Lindberg at the Musikaliska Concert Hall in Stockholm, Sweden on September 9, 2011. At the end of the concert, George played 2 Gershwin Preludes and Liszt La Campanella as encore pieces. This was the first concert of George Li’s Swedish Concert Tour. The second concert was in Växjö and the third one was in Malmö. George received standing ovations in all 3 concerts. George and the Li family would like to express our deepest appreciation to Maestro Lindberg and all members of the combined orchestras of the Musica Vitae and Stockholm Wind. Appreciation also goes to Ms. Byun - George’s piano teacher, and all teachers in Walnut Hill School for Arts and the New England Conservatory Preparatory School, where George attend his high school academic and musical education. George would like to attribute his triumph to all his YT friend and FB friends,
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