Woe to the People of Order - Technoblade’s War Ballad (Cover)

I’ve really been into Minecraft Youtubers again recently and I’ve been sucking up all the fanart/Minecraft content like a sponge (*cough* Sleepy Boi’s Inc *cough*). But recently I heard this lovely tune and I was compelled to sing it for myself! I hope you enjoyed it! I did NOT write this song, however. The lyrics, melody and (main) harmonies belong to The Shiny Snivy! I love your beautiful song, if you’re watching! ORIGINAL SONG: The Shiny Snivy: Youtube: Twitter: My socials: Youtube: Twitter: Instagram: Twitch: All vocals are mine, with a constant wind effect I found online. I only added on Wither, Wolf, and TNT sound effects at the end ;) NO EFFECT:
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