The Voice From the Outer World / Glos z tamtego swiata (1962) dir. Stanislaw Rózewicz

A doctor without a diploma and a former nurse provide services on the borderline between medicine and spiritualism. They exploit human weaknesses and the need for metaphysics, and themselves multiply profits. Until providence, scientific knowledge, conscience and judgment speak out. A social film with a criminal plot and psychological features in the style of Alfred Hitchock. This character study evokes terror and compassion for human frailties, and at times also humor. All in proportions appropriate to Stanisław Różewicz’s style and sensitivity - moderate, without rash moral evaluation, with understanding. The script is inspired by authentic events - a lawsuit brought in the 1950s against a pseudo-healer from Krakow who, as a medium, extorted money for spiritualistic séances. A joint project of the informal Miczura-Film group, which included Stanisław Różewicz, Tadeusz Różewicz and Kornel Filipowicz. Award for acting for Wanda Łuczycka at the Mar del Plata International Film Festival in Argentina (1963).
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