Hello! Military Parade P2/ 2023大连海事大学阅兵/2023 Dalian Maritime University Military Parade

1963年,经国务院批准、周恩来总理批示,大连海事大学航海类专业开始实行半军事管理。60年来,在半军事管理的孕育下,一批批胸怀家国情怀、勇担时代重任的海大学子遍布全球海运、港口、物流、航运、救捞等海事领域,撑起了中国航运事业的“国家队”!今天,在全民国防教育日来临之际,大连海事大学举行半军事管理实施六十周年纪念大会暨2023级新生集中军训成果汇报,举行阅兵仪式,旨在总结成果,展示风采,传承精神。 In 1963, with the approval of the State Council and the instructions of Premier Zhou Enlai, the navigation major of Dalian Maritime University began to implement semi-military management. Over the past 60 years, under the nurturing of semi-military management, batches of Hainan University students who cherish the feelings of their country and their country and bravely shoulder the important responsibilities of the times have spread all over the world in maritime fields such as shipping, ports, logistics, shipping, and salvage, supporting the development of China’s shipping industry. “national team“! Today, on the occasion of the National Defense Education Day, Dalian Maritime University held a commemorative conference for the 60th anniversary of the implementation of semi-military management and a report on the results of centralized military training for 2023 freshmen, and held a military parade ceremony to summarize the results, show off the style, and inherit the spirit. Hello! Military Parade P2/ 2023大连海事大学阅兵/2023 Dalian Maritime University Military Parade
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