Mountain City, TN - Unfriended Facebook Murders

You’ve got a Facebook friend request - or conversely, your friend request has been accepted - and the thrill of having a new virtual friend that may open beautiful possibilities is undeniable. Social media has become a refuge for people like Jenelle Potter who seeks for a respite from the dreariness of her own, real world. But social media has its fair share of malevolence - notably bashing, sharing of fake news, cyber-bullying, and even deadly threats. In a single click, one can be unfriended on Facebook, and as simple as it may seem, this can effortlessly shatter the perceived ideal virtual world of the rejected person. One may opt to move on; others get sucked up by a quicksand of devastation. Unfortunately, Jenelle Potter succumbed to the latter, and allowed her wrath to end in tragedy. Who would have thought that pressing the “unfriend” button could lead to murder and unimaginable havoc?
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