My Gigantic Philodendron Collection | 22 Species, Great and Small!

I thought it might be time to pull together all of my Philodendrons--regardless of the shape and condition they are in--to showcase them in a video. There are many types of Philodendrons and I am absolutely not an expert, but I do feel like they are easy indoor plants to maintain (they all require a similar level of care) and they do not require much attention or humidity and can tolerate lower light conditions. You need to let these plants dry out completely between waterings! Also, some of these plants are vines and some are not! (I explain in the video.) Basically, I show you every single Philodendron I own and try to give some pointers along the way! Thank you again for subscribing! Please visit to see the wide range of indoor plants we ship direct from the greenhouse! Philodendron Species by Time Stamp: 1:20 Philodendron micans 2:04 Philodendron brasil 2:50 Lemon Lime Philodendron 3:30 Philodendron domes
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