Wrath of the Righteous Main Theme Draft v2

Creating the main theme for Wrath of the Righteous wasn’t easy and took us a long time. We went through a number of iterations that were quite different from each other, as we strove to align our ideas with those of the development team, before finally settling on the version that you can now hear in the game. This is the second iteration. Here we headed in another direction, looking to add a greater sense of tragedy and gravity to the music. The next version had two intentionally distinct parts built around a single motif, the first of which represented Areelu and the second the crusade against the demons. This time we came closer to the mark: the music felt beautiful, powerful, and quite somber. But now we were faced with a different problem: our listeners had a hard time taking in the transition from a simple motif to a more complex, richer segment. Despite our best efforts, the theme did not feel cohesive. So we went on...
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