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And now a brief history of a great writer
Jules Gabriel Verne was born on February 8th, 1828 in Nantes, France, his father was an important lawyer, and he always wished Jules to follow his steps.
Jules found his interest for writing at school, by listening to his teacher’s stories about her sailor husband
Jules had a great curiosity about science, he read and collected a bunch of scientific articles during his lifetime.
On 1849 he obtained his title as a lawyer. But he abandoned his career to become a writer, his father, upset, stopped supporting him financially.
Jules spent all of his savings in books, and spent many hours at libraries due to his obsession to know it all
At 22 years old, he started writing theatrical plays that had a modest success and he became secretary of the National Paris Theater.
On 1863 he published the first of 60 novels which he would call the extraordinary voyages.
Among them, Around the world in 80 days and 20,000 leagues under the sea
With his imagination he was able to predict great scientific achievements after his time. Such as the electric submarine, video conferences and trips to the moon.
Jules Verne will always be recognized for his magnificent works, and his incredible vision of the future.
Download the new version of 20,000 leagues under the sea, and meet captain Nemo.