Shamisen 三味線 X Electric Guitar X Flute X Violin【喵獸戲畫】Background Music for Studying or Work

※This video features images and music that were both generated using AI, followed by post-production editing. ※I’ve recently noticed that some channels have started using almost all of my video content or music and reposting it as it is. While the content I create is AI-generated, and I’m happy for others to use it, I don’t want the content to be completely copied, especially when even the description text is exactly the same as mine. I don’t want repetitive content to flood YouTube—that’s something I really don’t want to see. Hi everyone! Recently, I came across Japan’s famous scroll, the “Chōjū-Giga“ (Scrolls of Frolicking Animals), which features frogs and rabbits playfully chasing monkeys. It’s really amusing, and I thought, why not form a band with them? And if possible, adding a cat as a member would make it even better! :) 嗨,大家好!最近我看到了日本著名的卷軸《鳥獸戲畫》,裡面有青蛙和兔子在追逐猴子,相當有趣。我心裡想,為什麼不組成一個樂團呢?如果再加上一隻貓咪作為成員,那就更棒了!:) Listen on the following music platforms: Album Name: 喵獸戲畫 Track List: Track 1: Animal Symphony Overture (00:00) Track 2: Strings and Bamboo Harmony (01:55) Track 3: Triple String Dance (03:31) Track 4: Bamboo Breeze and Strings (05:20) Track 5: Silk and Strings Duet (06:47) Track 6: Symphony of the Forest (08:49) Track 7: Monkey and Frog’s Stringed Dialogue (11:34) Track 8: Frogs and Monkeys’ Playful Tune (15:18) Track 9: Rabbit and Frog’s Bamboo Melody (16:51) Track 10: Cat, Monkey, and Frog’s String Concerto (18:31) Track 11: Cat and Rabbit’s Swaying Bamboo Breeze (19:38) Track 12: Animal Quartet’s Bamboo Feast (21:03) Track 13: Frog & Rabbit & Monkey’s Rapid String Dance (23:14) Track 14: Light Melody in the Bamboo Grove (24:29) Track 15: Gentle Harmony of the Forest (26:59) Track 16: Symphony of the Woodland Creatures (28:17) Track 17: Melody of a Stroll in the Forest (30:00) Track 18: Echoes in the Bamboo Grove (32:27) Track 19: Twilight Echoes in the Bamboo Grove (33:45) Track 20: Melody of the Animals’ Journey Home (35:44) #shamisen #electricguitar #flute #violin #bgm #studymusic #workmusic
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