The fallen log Aquascape by Andreas Ruppert--Flerlage | Exhibition aquarium for Interzoo 2024

The aquascape will be available at our Interzoo stand from the 7th til the 10th of May ’24. In the video we still have a series of helping plants (the #Limnophila sessiliflora pots) as the aquarium was freshly planted. Stay tuned for updates. The hardscape, skillfully created by Andreas using bits and pieces of driftwood, features different types of #moss , #bucephalandra and other #epiphytes whilst the background is represented by lush stem plants meant to bring vitality to the tank. In front a simple carpet of #micranthemum “Monte Carlo“ will set the scene for the “fallen log“. For more of Andreas’ inspiring aquscapes, check out his instagram __ #dennerleplants __ #dennerleplants
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