Children of Dune’s ending - Leto’s sacrifice

The ending to the mini-series Children of Dune, based on the second and third books of Frank Herbert’s six book series. It sums up very well Leto’s tragedy. From birth, most people saw him and his twin sister as abominations : people to be feared, monsters who perceive things no one else can. To save humanity from annihilation, there is a path, The Golden Path, but it requires a terrible sacrifice, one that their father had not the courage to make. Leto makes that sacrifice, embracing metamorphosis, leaving his humanity behind, becoming a true abomination, the God Emperor of the known universe ; someone despised by all who he’s sacrificing himself for. It also means outliving those he holds dear : his twin sister Ghanima, the only person he ever was able to relate to. For 3 500 years, he pursues The Golden Path in almost utter solitude. That is dune’s fourth book, the God Emperor of Dune.
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