Königsberg Castle - Photographs from 1935-1943

Königsberg The Royal Palace Photographed from 1935-1943 Кёнигсберг Королевский замок Съёмка между 1935-1943 годами. Music: Overture to the Opera “Fidelio“ by L. Beethoven Excerpt from “Time Forward“ by Georgy Svridov Excerpt from “Noch“ by Georgy Sviridov The Royal Palace at Königsberg was originally an old Prussian fort. During the 16th to 18th centuries the castle was greatly enlarged and fortified. The fortress, later designated a castle, was the residence of the Grandmasters of the Teutonic Order and later residence for Prussian rulers. The west wing contained the Schloßkirche, or palace church, where Frederick I was crowned in 1701 and William I in 1861. Following the bombing of Königsberg by the Royal Air Force in the Second World War in 1944, the castle completely burnt down. However, the thick walls were able to withstand both the aerial bombing and Soviet artillery, as well as urban fighting in April 1945,
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