Parvaneh’s Journey from Islam to Christianity, & the price she paid!

On Sunday, the 9th of June, 2024, Jay returned to London with some of his Christian friends, all of whom work or engage in ministries with Muslims in a number of different countries; yet, few of whom have ever been up on a ladder, but were willing to try it out, most for their first time. In this 2nd video Jay asked Parvaneh, an Iranian former Shiite Muslim, to speak about what has happened to her and her family, in particular her 3 brothers, two of whom have been tortured and executed by the current Islamic regime in Iran. This is the first time that Parvaneh has ever been on a ladder to speak so publicly about the torture and killing of her family members back in Iran. She knew that by doing this so publicly she was putting herself in danger, as the Iranian government has a “long arm“, and could do her harm, even in Britain. Yet, she felt that it was important for her to talk so openly about what has happened to her because of her faith in Jesus Christ, which she obtained because of Speaker’s Corner, as it was there that she first met a Christian who eventually led her to the Lord. She often used to frequent Speaker’s Corner in her younger years, and used to taunt the Christians she met there, because she hated what they stood for and detested what they were saying. But that was many years ago. Subsequently, she found the love and compassion of Jesus because of a Christian Iranian woman she met at Speaker’s Corner, who despite the hate she was receiving from Parvaneh, returned it with love. It affected her so much that Parvaneh decided to investigate what was behind this woman’s love, and found that it was the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. Since giving her life to Jesus, Parvaneh has not looked back, and is often in churches and Christian gatherings telling others about what the Lord did to her, despite the trauma and loss that has happened to her and her family. © Pfander Centre for Apologetics & Polemics - US, June 12, 2024 (106,720)
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