New COVID Vaccine & Blood Findings of Nano Graphene--Self-Assembly with Pulsed RFs

New COVID Vaccine & Blood Findings of Nano Graphene--Self-Assembly with Pulsed RFs - #Dr_Robert_O_Young March 19th, 2022 via #Ramola_D_Reports @RamolaDReports “Informative conversation with Dr. Robert Young who shares new findings of self-assembling “graphene micro bubbles“ in the Pfizer vaccine as well as evidence of the same kind of graphene bubbles in the blood of a Moderna-vaccinated individual. Dr. Young suggests that the nano graphene is self-assembling under the influence of specific pulsed EMF frequencies and the intent is to form a mesh antenna system which permits the receiving and emitting of radiation, in service to biosensor data transmissions. This kind of sensor and antenna system using graphene in bioelectronics is indeed discussed in various scientific papers, and suggests bio-control intent behind the COVID vaccines, undisclosed by vaccine makers or FDA and traceable to the DARPA sponsorship and funding of these vaccines, as discussed earlier in podcasts and in articles at Ramola D Reports and The Everyday Concerned Citizen. Note that graphene has now been found via electron and optical microsopy as well as spectroscopy in all four major vaccines now by numerous researchers worldwide, following Dr. Pablo Campra’s research with La Quinta Columna, as well as in other COVID vaccines, in flu vaccines, in other vaccines, in bottled water, and in rainwater. Given the toxicity of graphene and the fact that it causes fatal clotting--producing the deadly rise in sudden deaths and strokes, paralysis, heart attacks, and other severe injury in the COVID-vaccinated--Dr. Young recommends detoxing the graphene out. He mentions using the French Montmorillonite clay he has recommended earlier in a Newsbreak and also describes the Q-Link Sympathetic Resonance Technology, a silver pendant with crystals at center and coils of copper which links to heart frequencies and locks in at resonance frequencies, protecting one’s biofield from harmful ambient or pulsed or targeted frequencies.“ @RamolaDReports:8/ z FAIR USE.
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