Do Eastern Orthodox Evangelize? | A History of Orthodox Missions | Vol. 2. (1601-1917)

Welcome to the second video we are doing in a series on the history of Orthodox missions in the second millennium. Our first can be found here: This series of videos was created mainly to answer the accusation of Catholic apologists that we do not evangelize and, therefore, we could not be the true church. Catholic apologists cite the supposed successes of Catholic missionaries throughout North and South America, Africa, and Asia but have these missions actually achieved results more spectacular than other religions and sects? Our patreon: ---Bibliography--- OCA Lives of the Saints available at “Orthodox Christians in North America (1794 - 1994)” Mark Stokoe and the Very Rev. Leonid Kishkovsky. Gudziak, Borys “Crisis and Reform.” Panchenko, Constanti
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