The Qian Technique

Brown sauce, white sauce; stir fry sauce, mother sauce. The internet is collectively convinced of their ’thing-ness’. Are they right? 0:00 - Is Brown Sauce Really a Thing? 1:50 - What is Chinese “white sauce“? 3:26 - Making white sauce 5:27 - What is Chinese “brown sauce“? 7:06 - Recipe for one possible seasoned soy sauce 8:16 - Making a brown sauce 9:34 - Thickening before storage? FULL WRITTEN RECIPE As before, the full written recipes for the two dishes are over here on Substack (free, if it had to be said): INGREDIENTS FOR THE SEASONED SOY SAUCE * Dried Shiitake Mushroom (冬菇), 2 * Water, 2 cupS * Ginger, 1 inch. Smashed. * Scallion, 1 sprig. Tied in a knot. * Soy sauce (生抽), 1/6 cup tsp. * Oyster sauce (蚝油), 2 tbsp * Liaojiu . Shaoxing wine (料酒/绍酒), 1 tbsp * Dry Seasoning: Sugar, 1 tsp; Chicken Bouillon Powder (鸡粉), ¼ tsp; Salt, 1/8 tsp; MSG (味精), 1/8 tsp ______ And check out our Patreon if you’d like to support the project! Outro Music: คิดถึงคุณจัง by ธานินทร์ อินทรเทพ Found via My Analog Journal (great channel):
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