Fuck Everything Else

NEW SOLO: N.B. The audio was recorded into my DAW using a Kemper Profiler. The wave file was then imported and synced with the video in Vegas Pro and rendered. Recently, I was approached by a client who commissioned me to write and play a solo for a track that bears the working title “Fuck Everything Else!”. On first listen, I loved it and knew EXACTLY where my inspiration for this would partly come from – what I had learnt from transcribing the Nancarrow section of Shawn Lane’s Kaiser Nancarrow would not go to waste! It is the kind of track I could ‘fuck everything at’, including having good reason to incorporate a technique I developed around a decade ago, but never before NOW had need or legitimate use for it. In this clip of the ‘Fuck Everything Else’ solo, you can see my thumb technique being used for extra wide intervallic reach. The solo itself is what I call ‘thorny’, playing with dissonance, inspired by the mood of the track. My inspiration for this solo is taken from Nancarrow, Holdsworth and Coltr
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