Europe is telling the truth! Who is against sanctions, why is Lukashenko strong. Clear policy

Italians understand that they are being lied to. We are completing the great journey of the Clear Politics team! The final point on the map is Europe, Italy. 59 million people, two trillion dollars of GDP and the title of the most “capricious“ country in the European Union. Yes, modern Italy is made up of contradictions and contrasts.🤷‍♂️ ☝🏼After filming the program, we can confidently say that ordinary Italians understand politics more than their “politicians“. “NATO and America are to blame for what is happening in Ukraine.“ “They can never forgive President Lukashenko for being a man of the people.“ “We have many common values with Belarus.“ 🔹Why does the Italian government act not at all in the interests of citizens? 🔹Why is Italy called the “gateway to the EU“? 🔹What is the real attitude of ordinary Italians towards Belarus? Watch the fourth and final series of the joint project of the ATN and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus “Clear Politics. The Big Trip“ RIGHT NOW. Приложение АТН: ➡ ➡ атн/id1410677136?mt=8 ЕЩЁ БОЛЬШЕ ЭКСКЛЮЗИВНОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ В НАШЕМ ТЕЛЕГРАМ- КАНАЛЕ “ATN_NEWS”: А также в социальных сетях: #Belarus #news #AtnBel #clearpolitics #italy #European Union #politics #lukashenko #sanctions #europe
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