™ LIVE: Weapons of Mass Distraction & Deception.

™ LIVE: Weapons of Mass Distraction & Deception. In this discussion, learn how the SWARM has a well-organized machinery - a SYSTEM - of those who talk the talk with “sharing Truth“ with bombastic claims that they are “fighting for you“ but are wholly agents of the SWARM. They speak “Truth“ - half-truths and #DelayedTruth - to entertain you, NOT to mobilize you into action to . Link to full blog post: Time for US. Get Educated, or Be Enslaved™ To attend an online OPEN HOUSE with this THURSDAY at 11 AM EST or 8 PM EST. RSVP at: Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Scientist & Engineer, Candidate for US President is committed to health, education, and innovation. Dr. SHIVA’s most recent innovation is the Truth Freedom Health® SY
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