Boney M, Marys Boy Child/Oh My Lord, Christmas Song

Boney M “Mary’s Boy Child / Oh My Lord“ is a 1978 Christmas single by Boney M. It is a cover of Harry Belafonte’s 1956 hit, put in medley with the new song “Oh My Lord“ The song topped the UK Singles Chart for four weeks, and became Christmas number one, spending eight weeks in the charts. It was the second single for the group in the UK’s all-time best selling singles list. The song was later included in the group’s Christmas Album, 1981. Click the link below for more music #BoneyM #marysboychild #ohmylord #Christmas #Christmassongs #Christmassong #Christmastunes #christmasmusic #70s #70smusic #1970smusic #HarryBelafonte #Marysboychildohmylord #Christmasnumber1 #videomix
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