Meet Urban Art Twins LUGOSIS & STRATO

The city of Milan was literally the cradle from where, in the 1990s, twin brothers LUGOSIS & STRATOS began their remarkable career, already drawing and painting as toddlers before they’d even learned to speak. Inspired by a father himself tattooed from head to toe, they quickly took to the cans and needles that have seen their infectious style spread across trains, walls and skin far beyond their home city, into the galleries and halls of fame of Europe’s graffiti scene. Today, Berlin is their new home ground. LUGOSIS & STRATOS’ work is a perfect combination of letters and illustration, transforming thoughts, ideas, and social criticism into mind-blowing graffiti, illustrations and tattoos. They’ve already collaborated with several streetwear brands as the big players of the business recognize their talent. It’s only a question of time for the twins to lift their work to another level. #graffiti #tattoo #urbanart
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