AGI is NOT coming soon

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is popularly defined as AI that can do anything a human can do. More specifically in this video I talk about my thoughts on when we will reach human level AI. Given recent successes in Machine Learning, and especially with scaling Deep Learning, there has been a lot of talk about AGI recently. I have heard a lot of wild opinions, so with the video I try to take a research-centric approach, talking about results from recent papers and models like Gopher, Chinchilla, Gato, “Scaling Laws for Neural Language Models,“ and more. I talk about this in the context of other recent works like GPT-3 and Dall-E 2. Outline: 0:00 - Intro & AGI Buzz 1:41 - What is AGI? 2:13 - Pro AGI Argument 4:09 - Scaling Isn’t Enough 6:51 - “Level 2 Intelligence“ 9:14 - Counterarguments 12:12 - Supervised Learning Isn’t Enough 13:40 - An Optimistic Perspective Sources (other than the ones cited in the video) Refrenced AI/AGI arti
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